Good news!

With the release of SAP Business One 9.2 PL05, communication with the license service has been enhanced to give a number of benefits to our customers.

So what's changed? Keep reading!

Goodbye CORBA. Hello HTTPS.

We have switched the license protocol from CORBA to https, the secure protocol for communication within the SAP Business One landscape. For cross version compatibility the CORBA protocol will remain available for some time. This results in a change in system behaviour.

Old behaviour: The previous system behaviour allowed all SAP Business One components like the client application, DI API and Server Tools etc., to ask for the license server address and then use the license address to transfer to the SLD address. The license server address was maintained in the b1-local-machine.xml file.

New behaviour: Now, in the new system behaviour all these components will ask for the SLD address directly. The license server address is registered in the SLD, so the components will get the license server address from the SLD. It’s the SLD address which is now saved in the b1-local-machine.xml file.

Customer benefits: Our customers will see some major benefits in respect to this implementation change:

  1. There is an improvement in the license performance.
  2. The High Availability (HA) feature is now supported for the license service and SLD components within the SAP Business One landscape giving customers the security and peace of mind that their business can continue to be operational in the event of component disruption or failure.
  3. It is now possible to have multiple network card devices installed and active on the license server machine without any degradation in performance during the login process. You can refer to SAP Note 1135705 for details.



by MTC Systems on Feb 2, 2017 5:25:00 AM

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