How SAP Business One Benefits Manufacturers

4/11/18 6:18 PM

Manufacturers, even small to medium-size ones, deal with more orders and moving parts than can be managed manually. Having mechanical machinery and computer software is important to the lifeblood of any manufacturing plant, but not just any software will do. Implementing Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) solutions benefits companies by creating a level of efficiency that can't be found in other software. The benefits of ERP solutions like SAP Business One are numerous.

1. Rapid Product Delivery

Delivery of the right product to the customer is a monumental task, especially when multiple orders are changing from moment to moment. A single miscalculation could reduce the pace of production and cause delays in delivery. This can only lead to disaster as customers become dissatisfied. Keeping track of raw material orders and warehouse storage requires a streamlined process that can be tracked by a single operating system. This is where ERP systems come in.

Multiple operations can be tracked simultaneously using SAP Business One. For instance, a reorder or change in the order documented by a worker in the system will automatically reflect in the same system being used by factory workers and plant managers. This leads to easier communication and faster product delivery.

2. Cost Reduction

Using an ERP management system like SAP Business One means that everybody will know how to use the system because it is company-wide. Moving workers from one department to another doesn't require extra training, and a once compartmentalized company with little to no communication between departments suddenly becomes a homogeneous system. Consequently, less resources are needed to train or replace workers since the system will be the same. This also leads to less IT consultation as more people familiar with the software run into fewer problems and come up with solutions themselves.

3. Customization and Flexibility

Every business is different. A food manufacturing plant is different from a chemical plant and will require different needs and solutions. The benefit of ERP systems is that they can accommodate a wide variety of industries. SAP Business One, for instance, has over 550 add-on solutions that can be used to customize and improve the end-user experience. Whether a company is looking for Microsoft Outlook integration, payment methods, search functions or even just basic database filing, SAP Business One can handle all of these tasks and more.

4. Inventory

One of the most important, if not the most important, facets of a company is the product. All manufacturers have a product to sell, which requires space to store, energy to upkeep and labor to stock and sell. Regardless of the industry, no customer wants to be told that an order can't be filled. Saying "yes" to customers and being able to fill customer demands no matter the cost is a sign of professionalism and efficiency that'll keep clients returning for future orders.

ERP management systems provide the benefit of keeping orders tallied and updated in real time. For instance, once a product is shipped, warehouse space is automatically available for storage again. If this space isn't immediately utilized or known, delays and backups can easily occur. This is especially true with large-scale plants dealing with thousands of orders monthly.

Manufacturing plants are a complicated system that requires a delicate balancing act of many systems working together. Using a single management solution can make a company run smoothly, efficiently and profitably. Contact us today for more information.


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