SAP Business One Knowledge Base | MTC Systems

Backorder Report

Written by Darren Jansen | Sep 13, 2018 9:49:40 PM

Let’s say that clever little promo video you did on YouTube went viral and now everyone wants to buy your products. With sudden increases in demand like this, having items on backorder is inevitable.

SAP Business One has a handy Backorder Report to help you resolve the situation.

You can find it in Sales - A/R > Sales Reports > Backorder. This will open up the Backorder - Selection Criteria window. Here you can make selections based on date, customer, document number, item, and warehouse.



After making your selections hit OK. The Backorder Report will then open.



You can then click on the golden arrows to focus in on any document and make decisions about each backordered item.

If you will no longer be offering an item and cannot fulfill the orders, right-click on that row and choose Close Row.

For more about reports in SAP Business One, see our article called Reports in SAP Business One.